Mother's Love Unending Poem

Mother's Love Unending

By: Atorogi Ace

A mother's love is pure and true,

An endless well that's never through.

It starts before we're even born,

And lasts until our time is gone.

She holds us close when we're afraid,

And soothes us with the words she's made.

Her touch can heal the deepest wounds,

And chase away the darkest glooms.

A mother's love is always there,

A light that shines beyond compare.

She guides us through the twists and turns,

And helps us when our heart still yearns.

With every step we take in life,

She's there to help us through the strife.

She cheers us on with every win,

And wipes away the tears within.

A mother's love is a precious gift,

A bond that time cannot outshift.

It's something we should cherish deep,

And hold within our hearts to keep.

So here's to mothers everywhere,

Who love us with a heart that's rare.

We thank you for the love you give,

And for the life that you helped us live.


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